在雅思口语考试中,很多考生都会遇到两个困境。第一是指不知道说什么;第二无法把自己的想法用流利的英语表达出来。更令人头疼的问题是在短时间内提高口语表达能力是相当困难的。例如,在第二部分的卡片题目中,有十个左右的人物描述题。在这些题目的Youshould say项目中,通常都会有这样一项:whatkind/type/sort of person he/she is.在遇到这样的问题时,通常很多考生都会想到中学时候学到的形容词kind、nice、hard-working等形容词。然后在说完一句类似于sheis a kind person或者sheis a hard working person之后,考生就无话可说,“含情脉脉”地看着考官了。结果就只能拿到5分甚至更低。在这种情况下,考生就需要采取一种比较讨巧的办法来解决口语考试中的这种困境。例如,考生可以在考前背诵一些准备好的段落。下面是一小段描述人物个性的描述:
He has a greatsense of humor and can normally relieve stress and tension by telling somefunny jokes. It seems that he has zillions of funny stories to tell. Because ofhis humor, he is always the most popular guy at the party. Most of his oldfriends as well as new friends say that they never feel bored while talking tohim.
Describe acharacter in a TV program or film.
You should say:
what program or film it is
what the name of this character
what this character does in the film or TVprogram
and explain whatkind of person this character is.
在回答这道题目的时候,考生就可以在答案中很自然地加入上面的段落,而不需要在现场思考如何回答whatkind of person this character is.
Describe one ofyour neighbours who you know quite well.
You should say:
how long you have known this neighbour
what sort of person he or she is
how often you see him or her
and explain whatkind of relationship you have with them.
Describe an old person who you like to talk to.
You should say:
who thisperson is
how you knowthem (him or her)
what youusually talk about
and explain why you like to talk to him or her.
考生在回答为什么喜欢跟这个人谈话的时候就可以回答I love talking to him primarilybecause he has a great sense of humor…
Trekking is a great way to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. Whiletrekking in a mountain, we may have a view of amazing landscapes that we couldonly read about in magazines or watch on TV. Apparently, such experience can benever compared to viewing printed or digital pictures.
上面是一段描述为什么喜欢远足的段落。原因是可以看到美丽风光。虽然用词很简单,但是句子流畅性足以帮助考生拿到6.5甚至更高的分数。很显然,这段话可以回到类似于下面的part1的问题:whatdo you do for relaxation? What outdoor activities do you like? What do you doon weekends? What do you do when you are together with your friends?此外,这段话也可以穿插到一些part2的答案中。例如,我们可以稍加修改用它来回答Describea place of natural beauty; Describe a garden you visited; Describe a popularphysical exercise.
例如,我们在回答Describe a garden you visited的时候,可以这样讲:
Last weekend, mybrother and I had a fantastic trip to a botanical garden that is 15 miles northof my city center. I was totally amazed by what I saw. You know, I had a viewof amazing landscape that I could only read about in magazines or watch on TV. Itcould never be compared with the printed or digital pictures. Besides, it’sreally a peaceful place where I can escape the hustle and bustle of the city.